If you write words on the internet, you've heard of ChatGPT.
We've all seen the horror stories about how it's going to take our jobs, or posts about people using it to 10x their work. It's pretty fair to say that everyone is paying attention to AI right now.
But I don't think people are really ready for the sea of change that's about to sweep us. This isn't about a few jobs here or there; this is about a fundamental change to how we view and interact with content.
But first, some history.
The 90s
Tamogotchis. Pokemon. Schwarzenegger is making great movies. It was a time where the worst thing a President could do is lie about getting laid in the White House. A better time.
But not for creators.

Back then, as a creator if you wanted people to see your words, then you better go get a job buddy.
Perhaps you wrote news for a paper, or presented shows on telly, or wrote books (reviewed and edited by a publisher of course). Your only avenue to the masses was through a gatekeeper. And boy, did they know it.
Then the internet happened.
The rise of the influencer
It's the early naughties, and the internet has changed everything.

Now, you don't need an editor. You have WordPress. You don't need a TV production company. You have YouTube. You don't need a publisher. You have Amazon.
The flood gates open, and suddenly, all you need is great content + an internet connection. That's all, and you're off to the races.
There's no middlemen, and you can have a direct relationship with your audience. And it's here that we've pretty much sat for the last twenty years.
Sure, influencers come and go. We've had the rise of Twitch streamers, Joe Rogan, and Mr Breast - but the fundamentals are the same.
It's you and your audience directly speaking together.
Until now.
AI enters the chat
My bet with AI is not that it's going to replace all human writers. Although, it's definitely going to replace some cough SEO bloggers cough.
My bet with AI is that your relationship with your audience is going to start to look like this.

Here are the key concepts.
Personalised like never before
Instead of the creator talking directly to their audience, the creator is going to talk to an AI.
And it's that AI model which is going to talk your audience; using a different tone of voice, different snippets of content, different jokes - all completely personalised on their personality and preferences.
Instead of reading the local news about a fire in Bristol, that's completely impersonal, imagine this.
You get an alert on your phone. Marius (your best friend) was at the fire in Bristol. With an article generated for you talking about the fire, but also including comments from Marius and imagery (all taken from his Instagram post about the fire.
Everything will be multi-media
You might have even seen the new advances in AI voices. But you've probably not seen the insane advanced in dubbing.
Imagine watching the Joe Rogan podcast in Spanish, not dubbed, but actually Joe Rogan's mouth moving and speaking in his voice. Imagine watching Blank Panther with subtitles because they are speaking Xhosa.
But it won't just be audio.
It's your content, and it'll be served to you however you like it. Let's say you don't have time to read The 4-Hour Workweek. No problem, here's the CliffsNotes version. Or as a podcast. Or as a broadway play featuring Tim Ferriss and Plato.
The difference between a book, or a podcast, or a checklist will be trivial for the AI. The only limit for the format of your content is the limit of your imagination.
You'll talk back
You might have noticed in the last image that the arrows are bi-directional. You clever sausage.
That's because for the first time ever, the audience will truly be able to interact with the creator.
Every podcast will have a chatbot subscription. You'll complete a course on advanced mathematics, and then be able to discuss the parts you don't understand with AI tutor who's been trained on the course material.
We're going to live in a world where education goes back to being a two-way street. And perhaps finally having an answer to the two-sigma problem.
Obviously, it's early days and I'm not Nostradamus. I don't have the facial hair, and I've been wrong before.
But this feels different to crypto and other technological advances we've seen. This feels big. And when big technological change comes, it usually means the earth rumbles.
I'm excited to see what we build with it.
This post originally appeared in Neural Nonsense, a newsletter about AI, technology, and the future.